Summary: Reels 1-3: 1) DS large balloon being inflated with gas at Rapid City, South Dakota. 2) CU Capt Stevens and Capt. Anderson pose beside the large balloon before takeoff. 3) CU Two captains climb aboard the balloon for take-off. 4) LS Camera pans upward showing the height of the balloon. 5) DS Animation drawing of South Dakota and the flight localtion. 6) The large balloon rises into the sky from a valley in South Dakota. 7) AS Balloon in flight. 8) DS Balloon makes landing. 9) CU Balloon lying on ground after landing. Civilians looking on in bg. 10) MS Showing the large, metal ball-shaped cabin of the balloon where Capt. Stevens and Capt. Anderson remained during the flight. 11) CU Showing the equipment used in the high-altitude flight. 12) MS Capt. Stevens and Capt. Anderson on pose in front of the balloon. TITLE: BATMAN ASTOUNDS THOUSANDS. 13) UP.S Aerial formation of A-12's. 14) UP.S Aerial formation of B-12's. 15) UP.S Same as sc 13. 16) CU man wearing batlike suit poses for camera. 17) GS Bleachers crowded with spectators who are watching the air show. l8) UP.S "Batman" jumps from plane at 10,000', sails down 8000' leaving flour trail, so spectators can see him. "Batman" opens chute at 2,000'. 19) LS "Batman" making landing. 20) CU of the "Batman." 21) UP.S Aerial formation of Curtiss-Falcon's. 22) AS Same as previous sc. 23) DS Aerial formation of Curtiss-Falcon's flying over Manhattan, N Y. 24) LS Curtiss-Fa1con's leaving smoke screen over Manhattan. 25) AS Curtiss-Falcon's spraying smoke screens. 26) UP.S View of the Brooklyn Bridge. Bldgs in bg. 27) AS Smoke screen over Manhattan. 28) GS Civilians look up at the planes from Manhattan streets. 29) DS View of the East River. 30) LS Curtiss-Falcon's leaving smoke screen over Manhattan. TITLE: BOMBER HELD FAST BY SNOWBANK IN FORCED LANDING. 31') LS Civilians standing around C-19 that was forced down, landing in the snow, Trees in bg. 32) CU Civilians shoveling snow from under wheels of C-19. 33) CU Three officers, who flew in the plane, pose beside plane. 34) CU Civilian ties rope to 1anding gear of C-l9. 35) LS Camera pans R to L showing C-19 attempting to take off from field covered with snow, but fails in the attempt. 36) CU Gen Pershing presents Capt. Stevens and Capt. Anderson with high awards. 37) LS Army fighter planes firing machine guns at ground targets. 38) AS Aerial formation of army fighter planes. 39) LS Line of P-26's parked on runway. 40) MS Camera pans R to L showing P-26 taking off. 41) UP.S Camera pans R to L showing P-26's racing at airraces. 42) CU William (Billy) Mitchell and Lt. Col. watching the airraces. 43) UP.S Same as sc 41. 44) GS Army Capt. who won the air race holding trophy. 45) DS Large balloon being enflated with gas. 46) CU Capt. Stevens and Capt. Anderson pose beside the large balloon before taking off. 47) AS Large balloon rises into the sky from a valley in South Dakota. 48) Balloon in flight. 49) Large radio station. 50) INT.S Of radio station. 51) INT.S Family seated in home listening to radio broadcast by Capt. Stevens and Capt. Anderson while they are in the balloon. 52) AS Balloon making landing. 53) CU Balloon lying on ground after landing. Civilians looking on in bg. 54) MS Capt. Stevens and Capt. Anderson pose in front of the balloon. 55) AS "China Clipper" in flight to Manila. 56) DS of Manila from the air. 57) LS Camera pans L to R showing "Clipper" making landing. 58') DS Same as sc 57. 59) GS Filipino's watch the "China Clipper" land. 60) Filipino sailors saluting Capt. Edward Muti. 61) CS Capt. Muti making speech to Filpino's. Poor